Thursday, September 20, 2012

Washington to Wyoming

It all looked so simple during planning. Plug the airports into the GPS, climb to 11,500 for the best winds and enjoy the view. Oh... no.... Can't be that easy! Just for fun, Mother Nature decided to throw in a bunch of smoke from forest fires!

Had to double back once north of Boise, the smoke got so think I couldn't see the ground anymore. Never did see Boise, and I was within 10 miles of downtown! Wasn't until Wyoming that visibility got above 5 miles.

The front of my airplane has a thin layer of ash on it from the fires. All that crap is floating up there for us to suck in our engines and lungs. Pretty amazing.

Spending the night in Rawlins, Wyoming. This is as far as I could get safely before sunset. I was ready anyway to get out of the cockpit, 5 hours is a lot when most of my flights are only 15 minutes!

Tomorrow I'll stop in Colorado, Kansas and Oklahoma before arriving in Texas. Unless the smoke is thick in the morning, there's no reason not to finish the journey tomorrow.

More then!

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